Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pleading for Reason to Prevail in Florida and Afghanistan

The short-sightedness, stupidity, and malicious intent of the Florida pastor over his act of burning the Koran and the violent reactions of Afghan protesters that led to the death of innocent UN workers showcase extremism in its most unreasonable and evil form. Driven by angry passions and blind prejudices, both sides defied reason and justice. What’s especially troubling about these acts is it smacks of self-righteousness, of a certain kind of moral indignation that proclaims among its followers a moral superiority over those who don’t embrace their religious beliefs. What kind of religion preaches man’s inhumanity to man, I wonder?

Still and all, this is a teachable moment. May a world leader of wisdom and good character come forward and teach us with moral convictions and philosophical clarity why the Florida pastor and the Afghan protesters are both wrong. That leader should seize this opportune moment to affirm and uphold moral standards and principles that are universally held, applicable to all and at all times. Perhaps it will inspire the rest of us, who are trying to make sense of this our short earthly journey, to be kind to one another.

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