Sunday, January 23, 2011

The New York Times and Spy Thrillers

Because of the kinds of things that the New York Times has been liberally publishing these days (Wikileaks and now this), its readers have the right to ask of them this question: what do they gain from all this? I am not referring to monetary gains or publicity. Those are easy answers. I am referring to things like honor, patriotism, and loyalty to one’s country. If there are internal controversial disagreements behind our foreign policies and military operations, as expected of a democracy, why air them publicly? Journalistic reporting should at least be able to withstand the scrutiny of prudence and decency. I wonder if the New York Times ever asks itself whether the stuff that it publishes undermines America and feels guilty about it.

Whittaker Chambers in his book, Witness, showed us the ugly face of bearing false witness against one’s country.

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